The Practitioner Health Matters Programme (PHMP) in Ireland offers a strictly confidential service to doctors, dentists and pharmacists. It has a confidential telephone line and email contact point for an expert clinical advice service. The programme welcomes contact from any individual whether you are the person in need of help, a family member, a colleague or a friend.
Practitioners can go through difficult periods in their lives and may experience stress, burnout, depression, anxiety or other conditions such as alcohol or drug misuse. Seeking confidential medical help is the most appropriate way to deal with these conditions.
Adverse incidents or complaints can also be very stressful for practitioners. They can impact negatively on mental health with feelings of incompetence, isolation, and guilt to name but a few. In some instances the practitioner can become the second victim and can feel isolated and alone. Often these are temporary feelings but talking with a professional in a confidential setting can help with processing these understandably distressing emotions. PHMP can offer support in these.